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People of all ages with disabilities who live in Puebla often experience economic deprivation, and some live in difficult family environments. Educational expenses and transportation difficulties are barriers for them to go to school, and sometimes families prefer to keep their children with special needs at home.


God is Love School is dedicated to providing a free education for anyone, regardless of their age or disability. Below are some of the basic profiles of the students we serve.


Our students who are deaf are taught Lengua de Señas Mexicana (LSM, or Mexican Sign Language). The public schools in Mexico do not actively teach LSM to deaf students, instead focusing on developing lip reading skills. Additionally, many deaf children are home-bound instead of sent to school in their early years. As a result, these students may have very limited language abilities, and many deaf students have started attending EDEA without any language or communication systems.


Our students who are blind are taught to read and write in Braille. Using Braille slates and a Perkins Brailler, we create individualized educational materials for our students with visual impairments, focusing on reading fluency in addition to other subjects. We also invest in the development of students’ daily life skills, such as using a cane for mobility, self-care, and food preparation.


Many of our students have physical disabilities, and we adapt school tasks and play opportunities so that every student can participate. We utilize therapeutic hand exercises and games to develop fine motor strength, coordination, and endurance for students who need upper extremity support. We currently have a volunteer physical therapist who comes several time each month to maintain and restore students’ joint and muscle functions and ability to engage in life occupations.


Many of our students are neuroatypical or have other developmental or intellectual disabilities; this includes conditions such as Down Syndrome, autism, cerebral palsy, traumatic brain injuries, or brain lesions. We individualize the curriculum of each student so that they are able to understand, learn, and apply their knowledge at a level appropriate to their ability.

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